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How do I troubleshoot my bots?

Sometimes, bots can run into error. In this article we compiled the most common errors and how to troubleshoot them.

Updated over a year ago


Sometimes, bots can run into errors. In this article, we compiled the most common errors and how to troubleshoot them.


Before checking on the logs, make sure to check our status page to make sure all systems are operational.

Most of the issues can be fixed by simply looking at the Activity Logs. They can be found at the bottom of the Live Mode of any bots.

As you can see in the visual above, the logs show detailed messages output by the bot as it crosses each bar and makes buy/sell/hold decisions. To troubleshoot your bot that stopped due to an error, simply read the message sent by the bot.

Error messages and their solution

Failed to place order because Request failed: kraken {"error":["EOrder:Insufficient funds"]}

  • The balance of your account is insufficient to place the trade. Please adjust either the size of the orders or the balance of the assets traded by the bot.

Request failed: Binance Account has insufficient balance for requested action.

  • The balance of your account is insufficient to place the trade. Please adjust either the size of the orders or the balance of the assets traded by the bot.

{"code":-1013,"msg":"Filter failure: MIN_NOTIONAL"}

  • Your order size is too small, you need to raise the amount per order or the starting capital. Please refer to this article to know the minimum order size for each exchange.

Unable to create order on exchange kraken kraken {"error":["EGeneral:Invalid arguments:volume"]}.

  • You should correct your starting capital to be greater than the minimum order size if you see this error on Kraken

Failed to execute buy order due to error: Request failed: Access denied, require more permission.

  • Please make sure your API key has permission to trade the account on your exchange.

On rare occasions, bots might not display Activity Logs. If that happens, please message live support.

If you were not able to troubleshoot your bots, please contact support, the team will help you.

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