Some wallets may not automatically display QUAD even though they have been successfully transferred to your wallet address. You can either add QUAD directly through Etherscan (recommended) or manually within your wallets.
Add QUAD to your web3 wallet via Etherscan
Go to the QUAD Etherscan page
Click on "
" in the top right of the profile summaryClick 'Add token to web3 wallet'
Most wallets will pop up for you to confirm that you want to add QUAD.
Click on 'Import tokens', located at the bottom of the 'Assets' tab on your wallet homepage.
Switch to the 'Custom token' tab at the top, and then enter the QUAD token address in the first field.
In most cases, the token symbol and token decimal will autofill.
If they don't, head to the network's block explorer and find the token. Its symbol and decimals will most likely be displayed.
If you still can't find the token details, try locating the token's documentation through a web search.
Click 'Add Custom Token' to proceed.
You will now see a page asking you to confirm that you want to add the token.
When you click 'Import Tokens', the QUAD will be added to your